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Immediate contact with Pollmeier
Headquarter Creuzburg
Advice on general questions
Pferdsdorfer Weg 6
D-99831 Amt Creuzburg
T: +49 (0)36926 945-0
F: +49 (0)36926 945-91101
Sales Office Creuzburg
Advice on timber, BauBuche and
for Pollmeier LVL
Pferdsdorfer Weg 6
D-99831 Amt Creuzburg
T: 0049 36926 945-163
F: +49 (0)36926 945-91251
BauBuche Team
Advice for architects, engineers,
commercial builders and timber construction
Pferdsdorfer Weg 6
D-99831 Amt Creuzburg
T: +49 (0)36926 945-560
F: +49 (0)36926 945-100
Pollmeier Leimholz
Advice on edge-glued beech and
beech heartwood panels
Rüschfeld 131
D-33397 Rietberg
T +49 (0)5244 9205-0
Press contact
Your contact person Tobias Zepp +49-162-2723154